Through Some Eventful Years by Susan Bradford Eppes

Through Some Eventful Years

Susa Bradford Eppes

August 11th, 1864.—Communication is established once more and Oh, the horrible, horrible news that has come to us! Capers’ Battalion reached Petersburg just in time for that terrible explosion and a part of his command were blown to atoms. Frank Baker is killed and so is my little new cousin. Mr. Kellar will never sing for us again. When he said goodbye and we told him we hoped to have him back before long and hear his sweet songs again, he said, “If I don’t come back I’ll join the Choir as soon as I get to Heaven and I’ll sing for you there.”

It is heart-rending to think of death and destruction, bodily destruction, for those young boys, who were so thoroughly alive, who were looking forward to a speedy return home and the home folks who were waiting for them. Oh, it is dreadful!

Susan Bradford is 18 years old when this entry was made.

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