Through Some Eventful Years by Susan Bradford Eppes

Through Some Eventful Years

Susa Bradford Eppes

August 8th, 1864.—This is a day of fasting, humiliation and prayer. Our armies in Virginia and in the West have suffered reverses of late and we have many such days. All who can, go to church; all the churches hold services. We take our knitting with us. Some stay all day, for they are fasting, but Father will not let us fast absolutely. He says “To keep your strength some food must be taken. Eat sparingly, but do not refrain entirely, for if you do you will not be capable of the best work and that is what our country calls for now.”

The telegraph wires are down and we have heard nothing for days. What there may be for us to hear we do not know. Father in Heaven, take care of our poor boys!

Susan Bradford is 18 years old when this entry was made.

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