War of the Rebellion: from the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies and Navies

The Secession of Alabama and Mississippi

MOTTLE, ALA., January 19, 1861.

SIR: I have to state that Fort Gaines was formally taken possession of in name of the State of Alabama yesterday. I was about to send all the hands off on a steamer chartered for the purpose; some provisions, &c., were also to [be] taken to Mobile and sold. Colonel Todd, of the State militia, arrived there in a small boat with four or five officers, at about   the same time that the steamer came to take the hands, provisions, &c., and prevented the shipment of anything but personal property, and demanded the surrender of fort and all property pertaining thereto. I gave the sub-overseer directions to turn over keys, &c. Colonel Todd informed me that about 30 men would be left there that day. Fort Morgan has now, I think, at least 400 and perhaps 500 men.

……….Respectfully, your obedient servant,

Lieutenant of Engineers.

General J. G. TOTTEN,
Chief of Engineers.

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