News of the Day

The Lone Star Rises Again

1860s newsprint

Daily Advocate  [Baton Rouge, LA], November 15, 1860

Our Texas exchanges come to us filled with evidences of the determination of the people of that gallant State never to submit to a Black Republican Administration. From the Galveston News, of the 10th inst., we extract the following:

A goodly number of our citizens assembled last evening in the Mayor’s Court room— there being no formal call made or published, and very many being thus absent, who would undoubtedly have been present, and participated in the quiet resolve and entire harmony that characterized the proceedings. . . .

On the 1st inst., a number of the citizens of Gonzales assembled on the public square and raised a lofty “liberty pole,” from which the Texas banner of independence, the Lone Star flag, soon floated to the breeze. . .

On Thursday last, says the Galveston News, when the news came of the election of Lincoln, Mr. J. P. Austin and J. E. Love, two young men of our city—Texans and sons of Texans—procured a Lone Star Flag, and hoisted it in a central locality. The spirit that animated them pe[fold in paper]aded other breasts, who wished to do the same thing, but were not so fortunate as to obtain one of the old flags. . . .

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