Robert M. Magill – Personal Reminiscences of a Confederate Soldier Boy, 39th Georgia Regiment of Infantry

Robert M. McGill

Thursday, 23d.—Yesterday we were moved out and formed in two lines of battle—Cummings’ Brigade in front and Pettus’ in second. About 4:30 P. M., ordered forward. Drove in pickets and went within fifty yards of works, when we were ordered to halt, owing to the line not coming up on our right. After firing a few rounds, were ordered to fall back. Hiram McAbee killed; Cousin Robert Magill seriously wounded in left hip. Good many of brigade killed and wounded. Forty killed and wounded in our regiment. At night fell back one-fourth of a mile. For the next few days it was simply skirmishing, marching, fortifying, listening to the firing of cannons and sharp-shooting.

(Note: picture is of an unidentified Confederate soldier.)

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