Robert M. Magill – Personal Reminiscences of a Confederate Soldier Boy, 39th Georgia Regiment of Infantry

Robert M. McGill

Monday, 27th.—Heavy skirmishing all day. Very heavy cannonading on right; reported Federals charged Cleaborn’s and Cheatham’s divisions in seven lines of battle, and were repulsed with heavy loss. One thousand killed and five thousand wounded. Good many prisoners, and two stands of colors that were stuck in our works. (This was the noted charge and repulse on Kenasaw Mountain.) One colonel found dead in front of our works; said to have had a memorandum in his pocket up to the time of the charge. He seemed to have been very sanguine of success, but alas for him. Here is what he says: “June 27th, 8 A. M., moved out in front of Kenasaw Mountain. 9 A. M., advancing to charge Kenasaw; will take it like a d–– “so ended his memorandum.

(Note: picture is of an unidentified Confederate soldier.)

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