March 9th.–Rained all night; clearing away this morning. Warm. Nothing positive from Sherman, Grant, or Sheridan. The enemy’s papers say Gen. Early and 18,000 men were captured–which is nonsense.
Yesterday the Senate passed the Negro troops bill–Mr. Hunter voting for it under instructions.
The enemy did capture or destroy the tobacco sent to Fredericksburg by the speculators to exchange for bacon–and 31 cars were burned. No one regrets this, so far as the speculators are concerned.
Letters from North Carolina state that the country is swarming with deserters–perhaps many supposed to be deserters are furloughed soldiers just exchanged. It is stated that there are 800 in Randolph County, committing depredations on the rich farmers, etc.; and that the quartermaster and commissary stores at Greensborough are threatened.
Meal is selling at $2 per pound, or $100 per bushel, to-day. Bacon, $13 per pound.
Two P.M. Cloudy, and prospect of more rain. It is quite warm.
A great many officers are here on leave from Lee’s army–all operations being, probably, interdicted by the mud and swollen streams. Sheridan failed to cross to the south side of James River, it being certainly his intention to cross and form a junction with Grant, cutting the Danville and South Side Roads on his way.
I saw Mr. Benjamin to-day without his usual smile. He is not at ease. The country demands a change of men in the cabinet, and he is the most obnoxious of all.
Again, there is a rumor of peace negotiations. All men know that no peace can be negotiated except for reconstruction–and, I suppose, emancipation.