December 27th.–A night of rain–morning of fog and gloom. At last we have an account of the evacuation of Savannah. Also of the beginning of the assault on Fort Fisher and Caswell below Wilmington, with painful apprehensions of the result; for the enemy have landed troops above the former fort, and found no adequate force to meet them, thanks to the policy of the government in allowing the property holders to escape the toils and dangers of the field, while the poor, who have nothing tangible to fight for, are thrust to the front, where many desert. Our condition is also largely attributable to the management of the Bureau of Conscription–really the Bureau of Exemption.
I saw to-day a letter from Gen. Beauregard to Gen. Cooper, wherein it was indicated that Gen. Hood’s plan of penetrating Tennessee was adopted before he (Gen. B.) was ordered to that section.
The enemy did occupy Saltville last week, and damaged the works. No doubt salt will “go up” now. The enemy, however, have retired from the place, and the works can be repaired. Luckily I drew 70 pounds last week, and have six months’ supply. I have two months’ supply of coal and wood–long enough, perhaps, for our residence in Richmond, unless the property owners be required to defend their property. I almost despair of a change of policy.
It is reported that Sherman is marching south of Savannah, on some new enterprise; probably a detachment merely to destroy the railroad.
An expedition is attacking, or about to attack, Mobile.
All our possessions on the coast seem to be the special objects of attack this winter. If Wilmington falls, “Richmond next,” is the prevalent supposition.
The brokers are offering $50 Confederate States notes for $1 of gold.
Men are silent, and some dejected. It is unquestionably the darkest period we have yet experienced. Intervention on the part of European powers is the only hope of many. Failing that, no doubt a negro army will be organized–and it might be too late!
And yet, with such a preponderance of numbers and material against us, the wonder is that we have not lost all the sea-board before this. I long since supposed the country would be penetrated and overrun in most of its ports, during the second or third year of the war. If the government would foster a spirit of patriotism, the country would always rise again, after these invasions, like the water of the sea plowed by ships of war. But the government must not crush the spirit of the people relied upon for defense, and the rich must fight side by side with the poor, or the poor will abandon the rich, and that will be an abandonment of the cause.
It is said Gen. Lee is to be invested with dictatorial powers, so far as our armies are concerned. This will inspire new confidence. He is represented as being in favor of employing negro troops.
A dispatch from Lieut.-Gen. Hardee (to the President), December 24th, 1864, at Charleston, S. C, says he may have to take the field any moment (against Sherman), and asks a chief quartermaster and chief commissary. The President invokes the special scrupulosity of the Secretary in the names of these staff officers.