A Rebel War Clerk’s Diary at the Confederate States Capital, By John Beauchamp Jones

A Rebel War Clerk’s Diary

A likeness of Jones when he was editor and majority owner of the Daily Madisonian during President John Tyler’s administration.

AUGUST 7th.—Hot and dry; but heavy rains in other parts of the State.

The 1st Army Corps moved through the city last night, via the Central and Fredericksburg Railroads, and this morning Fitzhugh Lee’s cavalry corps is passing in the same direction—9 A.M.

All this indicates a transferrence of the scene of operations nearer the enemy’s country—the relief of Richmond—the failure of Grant’s MAD BULL campaign, prompted by President Lincoln, who is no general.

Honor to Lee!—the savior of his country! and the noble band of heroes whom he has led to victory!—but first to God.

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