A Rebel War Clerk’s Diary at the Confederate States Capital, By John Beauchamp Jones

A Rebel War Clerk’s Diary

A likeness of Jones when he was editor and majority owner of the Daily Madisonian during President John Tyler’s administration.

JUNE 29th.—Clear and cool–afterward hazy.

“MARIETTA, June 27th.”

——“The enemy advanced on our whole line to-day. They assaulted French, Cheatham, Cleburn, Stevenson, and Quarles, by whom they were repulsed.
——“On the rest of the line the skirmishing was severe.
——“Their loss is supposed to be great. Ours is known to be small.—————“J. E. JOHNSTON, General.”

The dispatch from Gen. Johnston gives an encouraging account of the fight in Georgia. But a dispatch from the West states that reinforcements (20,000) for Sherman’s army are marching from La Grange. It is reported and believed that Gen. Early, at the head of 25,000 men, marched out of Staunton on Monday toward the North. I hope it may not prove a recruiting measure for lincoln!

A good deal of firing (cannon) was heard down the river this morning.

Judge Campbell is again “allowing” many persons to pass into the United States.

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