News of the Day


[Little Rock] Arkansas True Democrat, May 19, 1860

Within the past week, we have taken an half day’s stroll about the city, and are pleased to acknowledge the increasing prosperity of every section. Many new streets are being opened and the timber and underbrush being cleared. Lots are being fenced— shade trees setting out facing the streets—old buildings going through the progress of repairs— additions made—new paint supplied, and within the last three months, not less than fifty buildings have been erected and in course of construction. More building going on than during the past three years.—Every house, office or store in the city is under tenants, and the cry is loud for a vast many more. A year or two past tenants were advertised for, and “to let” placarded many buildings. Not so now, strangers advertise for houses, and lucky if they find an application to let.

The erection of many new buildings contemplated this season, is deferred for want of materials. The saw mills of our city are doing all they can for the supply, with many orders ahead. The mills of the surrounding country are all engaged with the demand from their locations. The new mill recently erected and put into operation last week, some thirty miles up the river, by John Wassell, esq., of this city, has commenced doing all it can for the pressing wants, sawing some 7 to 8,000 feet per day. We learn that he has contracts already for near 300,000 feet.

The high price of brick—ten dollars per thousand—precludes very many from using that material, who otherwise would do so. If brick work could be done here at a less price, scarcely any wooden houses would be built.

In 1858, it is estimated the city increased 500. Last year, good judges place the additional number at 1,000 or 20 per cent. This year, it will depend entirely whether new comers can find places to shelter them. Many of them are living in tents on the outskirts of the city, waiting the erection of buildings. There is much complaint, that lot owners wont sell, lease or improve. If we calculate on the growth of the city, this thing should be remedied, at once. A large number have visited us, and finding no places to domicil their families, have passed us.

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