New York Times

More Trouble on the Rio Grande

The New York Times, May 16, 1860

Special Dispatch to the New-York Times.

WASHINGTON, Tuesday, May 15.

Adjutant-General COOPER has received a dispatch from Col. LEE, Commanding the Department of Texas, in which he says:

“I learned yesterday, through the Mexican authorities, that CORTINAS had returned to the vicinity of the Rio Grande, and had been seen near Ranchero Garsho, below Reynosa, and six miles from the river, with 10 men, though his party is said to consist of about 40. I immediately directed Capt. GEO STONEMAN, 2d Cavalry, with detachment of Companies F. and G., of that regiment, to cross the Rio Grande to-night in time to arrive before day to-morrow where CORTINAS and his followers may be secreted, and endeavor to surprise and disperse them. I also directed Capt. BRACKETT, Second Cavalry, with detachment of Companies I and H to cross the Rio Grande at or near Reynosa this evening, in time to place himself in the rear or on south of the point where CORTINAS may be concealed, and to cooperate with Capt. STONEMAN. It is possible, if the information I have received be correct, that these bandits may be suppressed. It is, however, difficult to make a secret march on the other side of the river. We have to depend upon Mexicans for guides, and the crossing of a rapid stream, swollen as it is at this time by rain, cannot be speedily or quietly effected; but should the attempt fail, it will show them that it is not entirely safe to approach our frontier. The Mexican authorities are heartily cooperating in the efforts to suppress this banditti. The list of prisoners contain eleven names, all Mexicans, it is believed”

Col. LEE notified the Mexican authorities of the orders he had given.

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