War of the Rebellion: from the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies and Navies

Manufactures of arms and of powder

Confederate States of America, War Department,
Montgomery, Ala., May 7, 1861.
Hon. Howell Cobb,
President of the Congress:
Sir: In answer to the inquiry contained in the resolution adopted by the Congress May 4, asking whether “any measures have been taken to promote and induce manufactures of arms and of powder within the States of this Confederacy or elsewhere, ” I have to state that until recently reliance was naturally placed on extensive orders to Northern factories of powder for a supply of that material. As soon, however, as it became evident that this resource could no longer be relied on, the attention of the Department was turned toward obtaining supplies of saltpeter, the only mineral constituent of powder which could be obtained from the soil of this country. Information having reached me that deposits of nitrous earth existed in certain localities in North Alabama, an agent, Mr. Riddle, has been dispatched to examine several caves on Little Bear Creek, in Franklin County, and another in Blount County. There is good reason to believe that his researches will be successful. Ample inducements have been offered to Mr. Riddle, and will be held out to others, to engage in the production of niter in these localities should the deposits warrant it.
It was not known to the Department that powder-works existed anywhere within the limits of the Confederate States until recently. A firm of powder manufacturers, whose mill is situated twenty-three miles from Nashville, on the south bank of the Cumberland River, have within a few days past offered their services. They state that their mill can, in thirty or forty days, be arranged so as to enable them to produce 1,000 pounds of powder per day. They have a small stock of brimstone on hand, but no saltpeter. As soon as the saltpeter and sulphur now understood to be in possession of the State of Georgia shall be turned over to the Confederate States, it is proposed to employ this mill at once. The proprietors of these mills, Messrs. Cheatham , Watson & Co., state that, from examinations made by themselves during the Crimean war, they are satisfied that an abundant supply of saltpeter can be obtained from the caves of Middle Tennessee bordering on the Cumberland Mountains. I have requested them to send an agent at once to examine these localities at the expense, if need be, of this Government.

Other mills are said to exist in Tennessee and also in South Carolina. The Department will endeavor to communicate with them as soon as it can ascertain their localities. In reference to the manufacture of small-arms the prospect is not so satisfactory, and it is probable that the Government will be obliged to initiate steps toward the immediate establishment of a manufactory of this kind of arms. In a matter of this sort, in which prompt action is vital, I recommend, in answer to the latter part of the resolution of Congress asking my opinion as to the action deemed necessary to promote the manufacture of arms and powder, that a competent agent be selected and sent without delay to England. At London a complete set of machinery exists, which was made in this country , after the pattern of the machines at Springfield , in the United States. It would, I think, be no difficult matter to get these machines copied and executed on the spot with rapidity. Triplicate machines should be ordered to insure the chances of delivery of at least one set. For this purpose an additional appropriation of $ 300,000 may be needed, under the appropriation of ordnance and ordnance stores and supplies, for the three sets of machinery. Should they all arrive they will, even if not required by the Government, be easily disposed of. The amount already asked for under the head of armories and arsenals would also require to be increased by an item of $ 75,000 for a suitable building in which to place this machinery at one of our arsenals, or the machinery, when so procured, might be placed , if thought desirable, in the hands of parties having manufacturing facilities, who could give ample security for its application to the sole uses of this Government. No further action is deemed necessary to stimulate the production of powder than, perhaps, to make advances to parties who offer to engage in its production, to enable them to prosecute researches after saltpeter in remote districts difficult of access. It might be advisable to offer a bonus of, say, $5 per barrel of 100 pounds on every barrel produced and received by the Government within the current year.

Respectfully, your obedient servant,
Secretary of War.
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