War Diary of Luman Harris Tenney.

War Diary of Luman Harris Tenney.

10th. Saturday. Busy over monthly papers. Letter from home. Fixed up my commissary returns.[1]

[1] ‘In my possession are a large number of these duplicate packages of “Monthly Returns of Quartermasters Stores,” “Monthly Returns of Clothing, Camp and Garrison Equipage, Abstracts, Vouchers,” etc., etc., all carefully assorted and securely fastened. (F. D. T.) The following is a copy of one of the vouchers: “I certify on honor that during the months of November and December, 1864, the following quartermasters’ stores were necessarily expended under my direction in Co. C, 2nd Ohio Cav.: 113, one hundred and thirteen grain sacks (worn). During the greater portion of this time our Regiment has been continually moving and these sacks have been used for bedding, for horses and men.

Luman H. Tenney,

Capt. 2nd Ohio Cav. Camp Russell, Va.,

December 30, 1864. Com’d’g Co. C.”

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