War Diary of Luman Harris Tenney.

War Diary of Luman Harris Tenney.

Sunday, 5th. Rainy and cool this morning. Would that I could see some of the dear home friends. A letter from Minnie Friday did us much good. Hear the glad result of the fighting last night. Rebels charged our center from five to eight times and every time were repulsed. Passed the day mostly under the fly, visiting with the boys, reading my testament and thinking over old times, troubles, joys, blessings, etc. The phantom form still haunts me day and night. Cleared off before sundown. All the commissary corps here now. Gen. Wilson remarked today to Gen. Sheridan that the 2nd Ohio was the best regiment in the Div., that the 5th N. Y. was formerly but it had to yield to the 2nd now.

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