Journal of Meta Morris Grimball

Journal of Meta Morris Grimball

Meta Morris Grimball

Sep 2d

       My mind is constantly dwelling on William’s life, his earnest, serious manner when a very little child, we were all riding together & the other boys made so much noise that W. knelt down and said his prayers, which surprised them so much they became quiet.—One day he said to me “Ma don’t die for if you die I will die too & then if you die I will go to Heaven to look for you.” He said his chatechism when he was going to college, to keep Arthur quiet.—When quite grown up he put Harry to bed for two months as H wished it.—Miss Smith said he had the most reverent manner in Church, I cannot think that with such a nature Religion being long “felt a comfort” as he wrote to me, was lightly understood. He must have taken it lovingly, into his soul. Mr Grimball often says he thinks he was not treated judiciously, & in that way met his death, but I try to think it was God’s will to take him from us, & this passing world.—When his papers came up there was a letter from William to his father, the last he wrote, saying that might be the last of him, & if it was not for the expense he wished him to come & then said come, come, it almost broke Mr Grimball’s heart, but he could not have got there sooner than he did, & then he just recognized him.—Oh my dear, dear child, how I think of you, and all your unselfish, thoughtful ways; I believe I was always kind to him, I know I meant to be.—

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