Diary of US patent clerk Horatio Nelson Taft.

Diary of Horatio Nelson Taft.

Washington Oct 3rd 1864

What a hiatus in my Journal!! Since I last wrote I have been at home six weeks having started the very next day, the 17th July. I was a good deal out of health when I went away, the extreme hot weather had nearly “used me up.” I did not return till the 30th of August. Considerable progress has been made in the war. Sherman has taken Atlanta. But Grant has not yet taken Petersburgh or Richmond. But is now on the move and has gained some successes the past week. There is now Fighting down there every day and a great Battle is expected soon which will probably decide the fate of Richmond. Genl Sheridan who superseded Hunter in the Shanandoah Valley, after the late raid into Maryland & P.a. of the Rebel Genls Early & Breckenridge, has Driven them all out of the Valley after two or three hard Battles, one at “Winchester” and one at “Fishers Hill” and others of less note, and now near Staunton V.a. with a large army probably 75,000 men. Admiral Farrigut [h]as passed the Rebel Forts into Mobile Harbor, after a most gallent naval fight and captured the Forts afterwards. But has not captured the City yet. So far in this War, Genl W T Sherman has Shown the most ability as a Genl on Land (in my opinion) and Farrigut on Water, without doubt. It looks very much now as though the rebellion was “caving in” for want of men. It is not thought that they can cope with Grant, or Sherman, or Sheridan. The Draft for 300,000 men is now going on peacefully all over the Union. But the most of the number will be Volunteers. Enormous Bounties are paid in the Northern & Eastern States for Volunteers. There is a U.S. Bounty, a State Bounty, and a County, and in many of the Counties, a Town Bounty, am[oun]ting to from $1000 to $1600 for three years men and from $600 to $1200 for one years men. Genl Geo B McClellan was nominated for President of the U.S. by the Democratic Party at Chicago on the 30th August. The “Peace at any price” men and the rebel sympathisers generaly suport him. Altho I believe him to be a good Union man, and have the highest regard for him as a Patriot and man of talents, still I do not think he can be Elected. The character of many of his supporters will ruin his prospects. His friends, (at least many of them) the most talented & influential, are not to be trusted to make a Peace with Armed Rebels, and the Chicago Resolutions or “Platform” demand a cessation of hostilities at once even when to all appearances we are about crushing the thing out. If the Rebels lay down their arms and submit to the laws, return to their allegiance, there will be peace at once, and I think they must soon do it or fare worse.

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