Diary of US patent clerk Horatio Nelson Taft.

Diary of Horatio Nelson Taft.

Washington July 12th 1864

Well, the day has passed away and no serious attack has been made upon the City. But there has been constant skirmishing along the line of work north of the City and today the rebels have cut and destroyed the Rail Road for some miles betwen here and Baltimore, Burning the Bridge at Laurel &c. It is said that they occupy Bladensburgh tonight. It is also reported that a rebel force has appeared on the Virginia side of the Potomac not many miles south of the City. I have heard considerable heavy firing this evening about sundown and for two hours from that direction. The reports might have been from from [sic] some of our Forts getting the range by practice. The Militia of the District has been called out and the Clerks in the Departments are prepareing for duty. We had reports of fighting today near Tennallytown, Fort Reno &c. I went up to Georgetown and took the Stage and went to Tennallytown (three miles from Georgetown) this afternoon. In the hope of seeing something of the fight, a Shell burst &c, but was not gratified because there was no fighting going on nearby, and consequently no Shells flying, and more than that I was not allowed to remain but a few minutes, all civilians being ordered presumptorily to leave forthwith. As I did not expect to stay any longer than the Stage did the order did not disappoint me much. To the East from a half a mile to two miles I could hear the constant report of musketry and see the puffs of smoke. I returned to G[eorge].town about 5 o’clock. After my return to this City I went on top of the Patent office with a good glass but could see nothing.

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