Diary of US patent clerk Horatio Nelson Taft.

Diary of Horatio Nelson Taft.

Washington Sunday July 10th 1864

I went this morning over to Georgetown Heights, “Clifton” (the late Col Ellet place), and have spent the day with Chas and family very quietly. I could hear the Drums beating most of the day in Washington and on my return tonight about eight o’clock in the “Cars” the street was nearly full of people and soldiers. We met five Regiments going west or through Georgetown and it was quite an impressive sight to see so many bright bayonets gleaming in the dim gaslight and to listen to the measured tread upon the pavement. An “Extra” appeared about four o’clock this afternoon stating that the Rebels were within fifteen miles of Baltimore. There will be a fight tomorrow and they will be defeated or Baltimore captured, it is said that the rebels are at least 20,000 strong. They must be greatly outnumbered by our troops, but they are mostly raw troops. Another Extra was “out” about seven o’clock this evening which stated that the rebels were marching on Washington. This is making the matter more interesting still. It promises lively times here tomorrow, and may account for the movement of troops which I saw this evening. I suppose our wise men here know what they are about and have taken sufficient precautions to ensure the safty of the City. This demonstration on the part of the Rebels is just what might have been expected if it was possible for them to make it and should have been provided for if it has not been. I have expected it ever since Grant crossed the James River and refered to it at the time he crossed in these pages as quite probable. I have no idea how many men there are in the fortifications around the City. But there should never have been less than thirty or forty thousand in and around the City, at any time.

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