Diary of US patent clerk Horatio Nelson Taft.

Diary of Horatio Nelson Taft.

Washington Saturday July 9th 1864

A week ago I intended to be at home now but I cannot well leave the office at present as there is now something of a press of business with the Examining Board. More than that I would not like to leave the City while the Rebels are threatening it. There is very “exciting times” just now up in Maryland and in Pennsylvania. A large force of rebels have crossed the Potomac within two or three days and tonight it is reported that they occupy the City of Frederick, M.D. The rebel force is estimated at all numbers from five thousand to thirty thousand. It is supposed that they will make an attempt upon this City or Baltimore next. Some squads of rebel Cavalry have been within fifteen miles of this City within two or three days on this side of the Potomac. This rebel “raid” is supposed to be intended to draw Grant away from Richmond to Defend Washington. But that “ruse” will not do. I think that will be done without Grant.

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