Diary of US patent clerk Horatio Nelson Taft.

Diary of Horatio Nelson Taft.

Washington June 28th 1864

In looking over my last “minutes” I see that I stated that Petersburgh was taken, but altho it was so reported it is not taken yet. Frequent attacks upon the defences have been made and some of the out works have been carried, but the City is still held by the rebels and is defended with as much determination as Richmond itself, and is said to be equaly as well fortified. We have nothing from Shermans army in Georgia of a decisive character as yet. He is not far from Atlanta and is meeting with strong resistance from the Rebels under “Joe Johnson.” The Rebel Genl Polk was killed there the other day. He who exchanged the Pulpit for the camp and battle field, but he was educated at West Point and undoubtedly imbibed his war spirit in early life. “Those that take the sword shall perish by the sword,” especialy Bishops and Priests who should preach only Peace on earth and good will to man. In the present state of the affairs of our Country matters do not look very flattering. What was considered an overwhelming army two months ago under Genl Grant has dwindled down to a force now near Petersburgh and on the James River (south) which is considered entirely too weak for extensive offensive operations and is at the Present time able to do but little more than hold its own. The loss of men since this campaign began has been enormous. The killed wounded and missing cannot be less than one hundred thousand. This loss has mainly been incured in efforts to carry by assault strong “Earth works.” Whenever the Rebels are found there will be found entrenchments, rifle pits, strongly posted Batterys behind earth works. In acting as they generaly have in this campaign on the defensive, this has given them greatly the advantage. If Genl Grant had landed his great army (where his small one is now) two months ago, and instead of fighting breastworks had cut off the R Roads leading to Richmond and fought on the defensive, what then? The weather for the past week has been extremely hot, the Mercury ranging from 90 to 96 in the shade every day. Yesterday there was a slight shower and today there is quite a change in the atmosphere. Many people are leaving the City for the summer and going north, anticipating much sickness here this summer in consequence of the extremely foul state of the City. It is in fact but a great Hospital. Aside from its other impurities, the worst of all is the Canal which is at low water a seething, sickening mass of corruption into which all the Sewers of the City empty. If it does not breed a pestilence in conection with other causes this summer it will certainly be because Washington is an uncommonly healthy City. I think seriously of getting out of it myself for the summer, if I can. Sea breezes and sea bathing never had more attraction for me than they do now.

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