Diary of US patent clerk Horatio Nelson Taft.

Diary of Horatio Nelson Taft.

Washington June 18th 1864

In looking back through the past ten days I can fix upon no very striking event that has taken place. Army operations of great importance have been undoubtedly going on, but no decisive Battles have been fought, if we except the victory of Genl Hunter in Western Virginia near Staunton. In ordinary wars it would be considered of great importance to defeat the enemy and kill wound and capture three or four thousand men. Now, so much attention is absorbed by the greater armies of Genl Grant an[d] Sherman that but little is said of the “little affair at Staunton.” Grant has during the present week “changed his Base” again and is now with his whole army on the South side of the James River. Petersburgh was captured on Thursday last. We may look for hot times now near Richmond. The defences are supposed to be weaker on that side of the City than anywhere else. If Fort Darling (Drewrys Bluff) is taken our “Iron Clads” may go up and shell the City. It is supposed that Grant intends to cut all the R Roads and stop supplies to the City & not fight before the entrenchments. There seems to be less excitement in the City than usual when such important Army movements are going on. I think it quite possible that we may be “waked up” here before long. Washington is now in a more defenceless condition than it has been for the past two years. Genl Lee might well swap Richmond for Washington and nothing but means of transportation will hinder him from coming here if he finds that he cannot hold Richmond. I have no doubt but an army of fifteen or twenty thousand determined men could take this City. Nearly all the old troops have been sent to Grant and the Defences are now maned by raw troops from the West, mostly. A few thousand of the Invalid Corps and Veteran Reserves are still here. There is now no obstruction in the shape of an army betwen here and Richmond, and I think it quite possible that we may have a visit from the “rebs” yet. Congress is still in session, but it does not seem to be doing much. The Tax Bill is now the most important, and the the most important feature of that Bill seems to be whiskey, for what Tax to put upon it, has occasioned more discussion than all the rest of it. The two “Houses” remain in session late at night frequently. The light through the tops of the small Domes over each Hall shows plainly at my room and I can lie in my bed and tell when either House adjourns at night (if I only keep awake). The Drums are beating off towards the Depot, and more troops are coming in I suppose. Possibly some of the old Regts are going home for they are going almost every day. Those whose time has expired which is the case with most of the early three years Regiments. But more or less of the men from all of them have re-inlisted for the war. Sherman is near Atlanta G.a. and means to take it and probably will. It is a very important point to the Rebels.

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