Diary of US patent clerk Horatio Nelson Taft.

Diary of Horatio Nelson Taft.

Washington June 2nd 1864

No very great addition has been made to our stock of information in reference to army movements since my last date. Genl Grant had a pretty severe fight on Monday last (30th ult) but no particulars as yet. His army is near Mechanicsville some five or six miles north of Richmond. A portion of Butlers Army formed a Junction or Joined Grants army last week (under Genl “Baldy” Smith). It is now said that Genl Lee is inside of the entrenchments of Richmond. I imagine that it is where Grant wants him. I think he will cut off supplies from the City and compell Lee to evacuate or Surrender. Grants army is now supplied from the “White House” on the Pamunky River, Genl McClellans old Depot, during the “Peninsula Campaign.” Genl Sherman was driving “Joe” Johnson before him through Georgia and was not far from Atlanta at last accounts.

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