Miscellaneous document sources


Earlville LaSale Co Ills
Jan. 9th 1859 [1860].

Hon Abram Lincoln
          Dr Sir – It has been publicly stated in this place that you endorse the Fugitive Slave Law of 1850, as constitutional in its object, & in its provisions in All Respects– You would would confer a favour upon the writer of this as well as upon many Republicans hereabouts by briefly giving your views upon the matter.
          Yours Very Truly

A. J. Grover
Mem. of Rep. County
Com. of La Salle Co.


  • This letter is probably misdated, for Lincoln responded to “Yours of the 9th” on January 15, 1860, in a letter to Grover.
  • Source: House Divided at Dickinson College
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