Experience of a Confederate Chaplain—Rev. A. D. Betts, 30th N. C. Regiment


July 13—Pass Rockville and Poolville.

July 14—Cross Potomac. As I came near the river a straggling soldier shouted to me and asked me to let him ride the horse I was leading. I told him the horse’s back was so sore I could not myself ride him. In a sharp angry tone he replied, “Yes, you think more of a horse than you do of a man.” I stopped. As he came near, I said, “Young man, you ought not to speak to me that way. I have waded the James and the Potomac for a sick man to ride my horse. I will now wade this river and let you ride over.” He did not wait for me to dismount. He hurried into the warm, shallow water. I trust he and each reader will be slower to judge others than he was that day.

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