Feb. 8—”Peace Commission” fails.
Feb. 9—Regiment get away.
Feb. 10—Fast and pray.
Feb. 11—After prayer-meeting in Co. B, I am taken suddenly and seriously ill and stay in bed three days and nights.
Feb. 14—Revs. Ira T. Wyche and J. A. Cunninggim arrive in our Brigade. Bro. W. stops with me; Bro. C. with Rev. B. F. Lacy. Each preaches at night.
Feb. 20—Brigade goes on picket.
Feb. 21—Division moves to Sullivan’s depot. I attend Chaplain’s meeting.
Feb. 25—Brigade returns to camp. I carry John (Capt. Allen’s negro servant) to hospital with typhoid fever.
Feb. 26 (Sunday)—I preach.
Feb. 27—Visit my brother, Allen Betts.