Experience of a Confederate Chaplain—Rev. A. D. Betts, 30th N. C. Regiment

August 1864

August 4—Move through Martinsburg and camp near Falling Water.

August 5—Move early and cross the Potomac and camp a little beyond St. James College.

August 6—Move early through rain and stop at Williamsport. Meet Mr. E. P. Steffy and others Quite a stir about those hostages from Hagerstown. Cross river late and camp.

August 7—Move early past M. and go into old camp near Bunker Hill. Such running and chasing, back and forth, crossing and re-crossing, night and day! Such is war.

August 9—Dine with Mr. Woolridge.

August 10—Move early. Go by Mr. Silver’s and spend a few hours. Ride to Division four miles north of Winchester.

August 12—Move and camp two miles N. W. of Strasburg.

August 13—Troops in line of battle.

Sunday, August 14—Quiet. Bro. Power preaches in a. m. and I preach in p. m. Prayer meeting at night.

August 16—Preach to Hoke’s Brigade in a. m. and to Johnston’s in p. m. Prayer meeting at night.

August 17—Our men drive the enemy from W. Mills.

August 18—Pass through Winchester. See mills and wheat barns lately burned by the enemy.

August 19—Move early towards Bunker Hill. Men go into old camp.

August 20—Sudden alarm. Quiet all the balance of the day.

Sunday, August 21—Meet Rev. Wm. Hank. Heavy skirmish most of the day. Five in my Regiment killed: Pennington, Williams, Wilkins, Newkirk and Forsythe.

August 22—Drive enemy through Charlestown and two miles beyond. Heavy rain.

August 23—Quiet all day. Sup with Rev. J. Wm Jones and family. Lovely home.

August 24—Meet Rev. Marsh. Sudden attack on our front. Soon quiet.

August 25—Corps moves and camps about Shepardstown. Meet Rev. Kilgo and others. My birthday! When shall I spend a birthday with my wife and children?

August 26—Preach to Regiment. Dine at Mrs. Evans’. Troops all move to Leetown. Meet Chaplain Brooke, of Imboden’s Cavalry.

August 27—Division moves to Bunker Hill.

August 28—Preach in a. m. Hear from Mary.

August 29—Men move out and spend day on pike. Spend night in old camp.

August 30—Brother Rutledge preaches for me Write letter of condolence to Brother L.

August 31—Division moves to M. and drives out enemy’s cavalry. Returns to camp weary. I dine with Harry Thomas.

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