News of the Day

Exciting Procedings

1860s newsprint

Daily Advocate  [Baton Rouge, LA], November 13, 1860

The Charleston papers of the 8th come to us filled with accounts of the recent exciting proceedings in Charleston and Columbia. The Mercury has the following paragraphs:

The States Rights Flag Thrown to the Breeze.

. . . The most exciting incident was the unfurling of the State flag of South Carolina from an upper window of the Mercury office, which was greeted with vociferous cheers, proclaiming, in trumpet tones, that the “colors were to be nailed to the mast.” . . .

At 12 o’clock was unfurled from our windows, and stretched across the street, a red flag with the Palmetto and the Lone Star. A shout from below, and twice three hearty cheers, greeted its appearance. . .

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