News of the Day


[Little Rock] Arkansas True Democrat, May 26, 1860

Memphis—We neither know nor care who were the aggressors in the late firemen riots in this city, but pronounce them disgraceful to the city, and disgraceful to the department. What the police were about, and why no arrests have been made, we are at a loss to know, but it is high time that a decided stand was taken, and a stop put to such outrageous proceedings. Whatever action is necessary to stop this lawlessness, this reckless disregard of law and order, and of human life, should be determined on and resolutely pursued. The honor of the city demands it, and the safety of our peaceable citizens demands it.

The city has been of late rife with bloody affrays, and the parties to most of them are yet unwhipt of justice. Is it on account of the small number of inefficiency of the police? It is evident there is something wrong, and we trust a determined effort will be made to discover what it is, and an equal determination manifested to remedy the evil. If it is necessary, let us have a whole army of policemen, that order may be maintained, and the law vindicated.—Our citizens have been quiescent long enough, and it is time some movement for reform be instituted.— Avalanche, 21st.

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