Diaries and Letters of Belle Edmondson

Diary of Belle Edmondson

September, Wednesday 14, 1864

Today has been a sad one to many members of this household, or rather has terminated sadly to some. Maj. Crump and Eddie left this morning for Grenada, where Gen. Chalmers’ command has been ordered—I am so unhappy tonight, my heart aches to see dear Lou in trouble. She had a long letter from Miss Sallie Sanders giving a rememberance of her Sister Prudie’s last illness—Lou’s dearest friend. I did not know her, but ah! Lou, my heart’s deepest sympathy is yours. Maj. Cheatham received a letter from Ga. bearing news of the death of one of his dearest friends, he left after tea—so we all came to our room. Lou, Sallie & Mary Lou all reading—oh! my poor weary heart, when, when will it be at rest—

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