Diaries and Letters of Belle Edmondson

Forrest has completely rid the Country above of Yanks..,

September, Thursday 1, 1864

Today is the first of Autumn—No falling leaves or withering buds greet us—all is sunshine and happiness—fruit in abundance, and our bath as delightful as in Summer time. Mary Lou has more confidence in swimming, yet I can go farther—Poor Lou’s relations were with her, and she could not indulge. We all enjoy life at Waverly, more than any place I have chanced to meet since the War. Gen. Cheatam’s Orderly came today for the horses, the Maj. & Gov. have gone, so no more horse back pleasures for Lou & I. Forrest has completely rid the Country above of Yanks, all bright in his Camp, nothing deffinite from Va. Ga. or Mobile. Lou and I redeemed our character tonight, in opposition to Mrs. Reynolds and Mary Lou—

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