Diaries and Letters of Belle Edmondson

Good news from Va. today—

August, Monday 29, 1864

The day passed as usual—Waverly is always pleasant to me. Spent the day in Kniting , backgammon, sleeping &c. We had a delightful time in the Pond, have not succeeded in swiming across yet. Good news from Va. today—Lee has had a great Victory, capturing 2,000 Yanks, killing and wounding large numbers—Report of the Siege of Petersburg being abandoned for the present. Nothing later from Mobile, Forrest or Ga. Lincoln is trying to arrange to send peace delegates, only for policy in the next election, of course we can never agree with him in our terms of peace.

No news from home—had a nice game of Euchre after tea. Lou, dear girl, I cannot but love you too well—

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