Diaries and Letters of Belle Edmondson

Still no decisive news from any point except the Surrender of Fort Gaines…,

August, Wednesday 10, 1864

Still no decisive news from any point except the Surrender of Fort Gaines, this is a heavy blow, yet Morgan still stands to dispute their quiet entrance into the Bay. I am still as hopeful as can of Mobile, they are now 30 miles below in the Bay, with every obstruction to impede their reaching the City. May the God of battles defend us from any further invasion, by so wicked and sinful enemies as we have to contend with—

Mrs. Hamilton spent the day with us today, I could not have been much pleasure to her or anyone else, as ’tis no company for myself to suffer for so many nights with earaches, then left deff—I am afraid to go in the bath, as my country relations may be offended and depart. Lou & I against Mrs. Reynolds and Mr. Will Young had a nice game of cards after Tea.

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