Diaries and Letters of Belle Edmondson


August, Friday 5, 1864

Our gay little crowd was broken up this morning—Therese, Mrs. Martin both returned to Columbus, Mrs. Johnston went in with them to bring Mrs. Forrest out to spend a few days—they have not returned, but from a heavy cloud which passed over this eve, and from all appearances was inclined to moisten mother earth about that point, we all would feel uneasy, that is our only consolation. So we, a sleepy crowd, retire early, with the hopes of greeting them in the morning. Lou, Mary Poullaim, Mr. Will Young and I spent the evening together in the parlor, they knitting, he and I playing baggammon. All together we have had a delightful day. Lou and Mrs. Reynolds had company, Mary Lou and I had a nap—then a nice bath—not much swiming . Lou sat on the bank, much amused at our fear of a ducking—her country relations called and she could not venture in—I have decided to not leave until I hear from Tate.

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