Diaries and Letters of Belle Edmondson

Diary of Belle Edmondson

August, Monday 1, 1864

[The following entry is in a different handwriting]
My Dear Belle         It has been such an “egrejus ” long time since I saw you last, that I’m quite at a loss how to commence the many long yarns I have in store for you, but as it’s utterly impossible for me to communicate with you in any other manner than this, I must e’en put up with it—and narrate them as “gay and festive” as possible—but as I have been so very slow in writing this far, and it “waxes late” I will be compeled to leave for my next what I have so auspiciously begun in this—And although it is of the greatest importance that you hear what I have to say now, I will pleasantly forbear and bid you my “gentle and puserlanermus cuss” a fond adeu—

Miss Belle Edmondson—a kiss

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