Diaries and Letters of Belle Edmondson

…news of Kirby Smith’s crossing the River from Trans Mississippi to this Department.

July, Friday 29, 1864

I think without doubt, this is the warmest day I ever experienced, knit all day, finished Eddie’s socks, and Amanda washed them out for me, just finished them in time, Eddie arrived from Columbus this eve, spent yesterday and part of today with Tate and the girls at Tibbee. They sent me no messages or regrets that I was not with them. I hope it will all be right—God be with and guide me. No late news from either Army, Va. or Ga. news of Kirby Smith’s crossing the River from Trans Mississippi to this Department. God is with us, and the light of independence now glimmering in the distance will soon burst forth with a halo of unfading light and glory.

Sam was not so well, sent for Dr. Brice, he came, bro’t his daughter, Kate Brice, who is my room mate for tonight. Eddie, Brother and all of us sat up quite late talking—my dear Brothers how dearly I love them. God grant we may all be spared to meet once more around the hearthstone of dear old Father—God bless and protect him—

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