Diaries and Letters of Belle Edmondson

Our Enemy have every advantage, yet in the God of battles we put our trust, and have faith that all will be well.

July, Monday 25, 1864

How very cold it was this morning, We must have had a great Victory in Ga. as this cool weather always indicates a great Southern Victory. No news over the wires again today, it seems strange, but God grant we may be victorious. Our Enemy have every advantage, yet in the God of battles we put our trust, and have faith that all will be well. Mrs. Smith returned to Aberdeen this morning. Sister Amirilla and I spent the day mostly alone, Bro. was off on the farm. I did not quite finish my Sock, had a good nap after dinner. Eddie arrived this evening from Gen. Chalmers Hd. Qts.—no news from Ga. or Va. yet. Eddie is right sick, has not been well since the fight. We all retired early. Katie is going to sleep with me, Rachel will make her pallet in here also. I am the greatest coward in the world. Still undecided in my movements, I reckon Hal & her crowd are happy tonight. May God soften my heart, I cannot but feel bitter, oh! guide and give me strength to bear my unhappy fate—

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