Diaries and Letters of Belle Edmondson

Hood has attacked Sherman, and driven his force across the River..,

July, Saturday 23, 1864

I was never so sleepy as when awakened this morning, after breakfast got my sock and knot all morning. Maj. Rambeaut and Mr. Pugh came up in
Tate’s room and sat. Cousin Frazor came for a while. The news this morning is glorious, Hood has attacked Sherman, and driven his force across the River, with heavy loss on Yankee side. Hardee is the rear, and will give them a warm reception. Did not get the evening Telegrams before leaving Columbus. Bro, Kate, and Nannie came in, I returned with Bro. I am perfectly unhappy at the way in which Hal has treated me. I have no plans, nor no idea when I will see one of them again. God be with me and guide me to do what is right. Therese & Capt. Triplett called this eve, Col. Laynard also, Decatur arrived. Nothing reliable as to Grant’s death. Bro, Kate and I had a very pleasant ride out. Sister Amirilla and all the Children glad to see me, all sat up late. Mrs. Smith and I occupy the same room. I am so undecided and unhappy. May God give us Victory, spare so much bloodshed, and give us peace.

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