Diaries and Letters of Belle Edmondson

Telegrams—Hood has fought and whiped Sherman—Grant has at last been relieved of his command..,

July, Friday 22, 1864

We all were ready for Columbus quite late, rather late in our breakfast after last night’s dissipation. I was really sad at leaveing , so much happiness for my lonely life crowded into one short week. Met Col. Porter of Gen. Cheatam’s Staff at breakfast. We did not tarry long after our meal was finished, had a very dusty, disagreeable, warm ride to Columbus, and my heart was indeed sad to part with dear “waverly”—Lou came in with us, oh! that dear, sweet girl, I do dearly love her. Therese alighted first—we then came to the Hotel. Lou came and sat with us a while, I gave her my Photograph Album. Telegrams—Hood has fought and whiped Sherman—Grant has at last been relieved of his command, by the interposition of our divine Father. Flags all at half mast over the eventful news. God in his Wisdom will do all well. Went walking this eve with Therese and Lucy Harris. Company after Tea, and sat up very late. I am so unhappy—and no one to confide, oh! God, have mercy—

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