Diaries and Letters of Belle Edmondson

Gen. Johnston has been superseded by Hood..,

July Thursday 21, 1864

Still my happiness continues, I do dearly love Miss Lou and Mrs. Reynolds both. Mrs. Hamilton, their Sister, invited us to Tea, we accepted, spent the day so happy—all retired after dinner for a rest, got up early, prepared for the pond. Mrs. Reynolds and Hal did not go in, it was so much like rain. Lou, Therese and I tried it. Therese got along charmingly—I, poor me, I am a greater fool than ever. A shower came up, so we had to hasten our pleasure—began preperations for our visit as soon as we reached the house. We all five went in the Cariage , I never have spent a more pleasant evening, the Supper was Magnificent—everything passed off so well. I have fallen in love with Mrs. Hamilton, she is almost as sweet as Lou. There is something I cannot resist in watching dear Lou, she is more like my Mother each day that I am with her. We staid until 12 o’clock, a beautiful moonlight night. Lt. Watts rode home with us—Gen. Johnston has been superseded by Hood, the latter haveing orders to fight immediately.

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