Diaries and Letters of Belle Edmondson

Diary of Belle Edmondson

July, Tuesday 19, 1864

A bright and beautiful morning—my heart seems as light and happy as the sunshine is lovely. I am perfectly in love with this charming family. Mrs. Reynolds is so warm hearted and good, though our acquaintance has been so short, it seems we have always been friends, and Miss Lou, ah! how can I express the admiration I have for her, how beautiful, how lovely she is. I have never, since the days of my childhood, met with any Ladie I am so completely in love with—how my heart aches for a friend, just as Miss Lou is—if I only could gain her confidence. There is something about her that reminds me of my dear, dear Mother. We have spent a delightful day. Mrs. James Young called to see us, she sings exquisitely. Mrs. Judivron called also. We all went bathing again. Therese progresses rapidly, though Hal and I are still great cowards. Lou and I had a game of Chess after tea. I cannot but be unhappy about not being at Bro. I know I will be censured by all parties—

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