Diaries and Letters of Belle Edmondson

Forrest is fighting the Enemy near Tupelo

July, Friday 15, 1864

Our dispatches from the front are very encouraging—Forrest is fighting the Enemy near Tupelo – nothing decisive, but we have repulsed them in every attempt to fight us. God grant our Army may be crowned with glory and success—protect my dear Bro. and friends from all danger. The news
from Virginia is glorious, God grant it may be true, our forces in three miles of Washington City, and shelling the City. Oh heaven, smile upon our poor, desolated South, brighten the hearthstones of our sad and lonely homes—drive our enemy back, take them in peace, we do not wish them any harm, but oh! grant our Sunny land Victory and peace, bless my dear old Father and spare him to us, for the days when our dear boys will once more bless our homes with their presence. After tea, all sitting in our Room, Mr. Crump sent Dis. “Yankees whipped & making for Ripley & Forest after them”—thank God for this. Letter from home, poor Nannie Fletcher dead—

Therese and several ladies called.

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