Diaries and Letters of Belle Edmondson

Diary of Belle Edmondson

July, Thursday 14, 1864

Hal, Therese and I got up very early and started for the Country, after running around, first on one road then another, we finally arrived at Waverly, just 7 miles above Columbus, although we had traveled ten or twelve miles. We crossed the Tombigbee, rode up to Mr. Young’s, where he came out and insisted on our getting out, until he would send and try to find out where Bro. lived, failed however, but we spent the day. Fate, how strange, yet how delightful, they are a very wealthy family, a real Southern Mansion—his Daughters are very accomplished, and Miss Lou is a beautiful girl—such delightful Music, and an elegant dinner, our first peaches and milk. We went to the Pond late this evening, to try to learn to swim. Hal would not venture, Therese and I tried it. I did not have any confidence in myself, therefore did not make much improvement. Therese was more successful. We had a delightful drive home, found Mamie well, and good news from Forrest.

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