Diaries and Letters of Belle Edmondson

No news from Forrest yet, we only know they are fighting.

July, Wednesday 13, 1864

Mr. Pugh came round early this morning, we made arrangements to start for Nannie in the morning. Therese was to go with me. Capt. Tom Dashiell was to furnish the Ambulance—our trip had fully matured in preperations—but Tate gave up the idea, so our trip has fallen through. Capt. Dashiell came round after tea, will send his Ambulance early in the morning. Hal, Therese and I are going to spend the day with Bro. I wish we were all going out to stay, but little Mamie is too sick. No news from Forrest yet, we only know they are fighting. God grant they may be successful, and spare the lives of our dear Soldiers, protect my dear Bro. and friends from danger. Therese and Miss Wilkinson called this eve. Hal and I went to the Saloon and had a nice treat of Ice Cream, Robert was with us. Dixie prices are very high, but this rather startled us, $26. Mr. Pugh attends the weding tonight, Miss Cozart of this place, to Mr. Philips of Nashville.

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