Diaries and Letters of Belle Edmondson

Bro. G. left for the front to join Forrest, and Bruce has recovered from his wounds and gone to report to Johnston in Ga.

July, Sunday 10, 1864

A long, long weary day this has been for our little party. I went over to see Therese directly after breakfast and staid until dinner time. We had a long talk, she is a sweet girl, and I believe a good friend of mine. I did not get to bid either Bro. Geo. or Bruce Good bye—Bro. G. left for the front to join Forrest, and Bruce has recovered from his wounds and gone to report to Johnston in Ga. Dispatches say the Yankees are in force in Pontotoc on yesterday, our boys will have some terible fighting.  God grant they may be victorious, oh! heaven hear our prayers, spare our friends and Bros, and shield our Gens. from danger, drive our wicked, heartless enemies back to their own hearth stones, smile upon, and prosper and bless once more our Sunny land. We had a hard rain this eve, Tate went to Church. Therese came over—our land lord is a very pleasant gentleman, Mamie is sick, he came up and sit with us awhile. Hal & I sleep in Tate’s room.

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