Diaries and Letters of Belle Edmondson

Our news from the Enemy is rather exciting, they are advancing in force, and our Armies are not many miles apart…,

July, Thursday 7, 1864

All up this morning to breakfast—a very warm day. Capt. Ferd Rodgers came this morning, we were delighted to see him, he is looking better than I ever saw him, although he is just recovering from a terible sickness. Maj. Rambeaut & Maj. Leverson also Bruce came out this morning to see us. Capt. Rodgers went into Tupelo with them. Tate cut out Maj. Leverson’s shirts, so Hal and I missed our nap this eve and sewed on them. Tate is makeing Capt. Rodgers. Maj. Crump came over this morning, Robert went to Tupelo with him, they came back this evening. I received a letter from home and one from Helen, all well. Capt. Mason and Mr. Beaumont came out this eve. Tate and Mr. B. went riding on horseback, they staid until after Tea.

Our news from the Enemy is rather exciting, they are advancing in force, and our Armies are not many miles apart, the command is expecting orders every hour. God grant they may check the wicked foe, and drive them from our soile . Answer to flag of truce, no black flag, but as near to Christian warfare as is possible. Oh! God have mercy on our Army—crown them Victorious.

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