Diaries and Letters of Belle Edmondson

…the Yankees are moveing out towards Ripley—

July, Wednesday 6, 1864

Oh! I never was as sleepy in my life as this morning. Hal and Miss Clara ready for breakfast, I was not—went in after the rest had finished and got a Cup of Coffee. We all seemed dull and lazy this morning. John came in the Ambulance for Bro. George and Miss Billie to go to Tupelo, Dr. Cowen, Lt. Dunn, & Bro. called. Maj. Crump & Lt. Rodgers came also, did not stay long—Hal and I came upstairs as soon as we got dinner and went to sleep—just dresed in time—Eddie & Bruce came over. Decatur and Bruce went to Tupelo, Eddie went back to Camp at Verona. Lt. Rodgers came over after tea, they all have marching orders at 5 o’clock in the morning, do not know which way they are going, the Yankees are moveing out towards Ripley—God grant that our poor Soldiers may be spared, and crown the Southerners with glory and success. Save my poor Bro. oh! grant that he may nobly do his duty, but return safe. Bless my dear Father and his household. Hal is waiting for me to tell her fortune—everybody retired early tonight, disgusted with every enjoyment except the soft folds of the Arms of Morpheus. No late war news, Answer to flag of Truce from Memphis, Washburn still refuses to have any understanding with regard to the black flag—

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