Diaries and Letters of Belle Edmondson

…the 7th. Tenn and McDonald’s Bat’n have orders to move on an hour’s notice, the Yanks are very strong in numbers—

July, Friday 1, 1864

It has been quite pleasant all day, a nice breeze, we spent it alone until this evening, several of our friends from Camp called, Col. Rucker, Col. Overton & Lt. Rodgers from Rucker’s Brig, Capt. Leverson, Capt. Mason, Johnie and Decatur from Forrest’s Hd. Qts. Maj. Crump arrived from Oxford, he left Helen at Mrs. Goodman’s, she has a delightful home, and a nice horse to ride every evening—they all went back to Camp before night except Maj. Crump and John & Decatur, they staid until bed time. We had a delightful time, I am charmed with my new Bro. in law. Oh! my poor weary heart, how I long for some one to sympathize, to advise me, God have mercy. Bless my dear Father and protect his household, bless my dear Bros and Bros in law. I wrote to Shallie Kirk today, the 7th. Tenn and McDonald’s Bat’n have orders to move on an hour’s notice, the Yanks are very strong in numbers—but God will bless us and crown us with Victory, save our poor boys from privation and danger—

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