Diaries and Letters of Belle Edmondson

I am so undecided in my movements…

June, Tuesday 28, 1864

Mrs. Sample, our hostess, had us up very early. Bro. Geo. went to Tupelo after breakfast, taking Robert with him, oh! the heat is almost intolerable. John came and brot Hal’s and my bagage from Hd Qts. did not stay very long—Eddie and Jake Anderson arrived from Pontotoc before dinner, spent the day with us. I was never so warm and sleepy in my life as after dinner this day. Our friends from Tupelo came out early this evening—Mr. Galloway, John, Decatur, Bose Pugh, they left about sundown, Eddie and Jake went in also. Jim and Thulus Beaumont came out to Tea, we were haveing a nice time when Mrs. Sample sent for us to retire, this rather shocked us, but making the best of it, the boys in a laughing humor departed.

I am so undecided in my movements, Hal is flighty, never of the same mind two hours. God guide me in the right path. I know not today where tomorrow will be spent. Bless my Father, and Bros. Crown our Armys with Victory, oh! Give us success and peace—

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