Diaries and Letters of Belle Edmondson

…oh! have mercy on our brave Soldiers—Crown them with Victory and give us peace—

June, Monday 27, 1864

Hal and I did not get an early start, she and I came in the Ambulance with John to drive us. Decatur and Capt. Rodgers came in my Wagon, we had a very pleasant trip, arrived at Mrs. Sample’s about 1 o’clock. She took us in, and we feel very fortunate in getting here, our room is very warm and disagreeable, but she is the nicest person about her household I ever saw, plenty to eat. We had a delightful time this evening, our friends came out from Tupelo to see us. Maj. Allison, Capt. Ewing, two Mr. Dunns, Thulus Beaumont & Jim Titus, we had a happy time, they all left before Tea. Bro. Geo. Tate, Nannie, Hal and I did not have a very lively time, it was entirely too warm, all came to our room early, and I feel that I will sufocate . Eddie and Jake have not arrived yet. Poor Mary and Bro. Will and the little boys I know are lonely tonight. God bless my poor old Father, My dear Bros, and oh! have mercy on our brave Soldiers—Crown them with Victory and give us peace—

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